In cooperation with their customers, compa-nies achieve far more than they do on their own. With just a few euros, a company can, for example, make its customers plastic neutral or offset a tonne of its CO2 emissions. On the one hand, this pleases customers and the environ-ment. On the other hand, companies increase their reputation and customer loyalty as well as their commercial success. Therefore, Im-pactCampaigns are a "win-win" for all parties involved.
ImpactCampaigns provide a variety of compa-nies with tailor-made use cases to improve the environment alongside their customers. All use cases are based on proven standards and cam-paign methods. We plan ImpactCampaigns for companies and implement them, including customer interaction, from one single source. The impact for the environment, customers and companies is large and can be measured transparently.
You are already making a valuable contribution to the environment with your green products. Your customers honour this and are often also interested in their own "footprint". With Im-pactCampaigns, you assist your customers in this. In this way you underline your environ-mental responsibility and strengthen your customer loyalty.
> Learn moreYou are environmentally conscious but cannot completely do without plastic packaging? With ImpactCampaigns, we have created a way for you and your customers to eliminate plastic and benefit economically in the process.
> Learn moreGreen energy suppliers communicate their environmental responsibility, improve the car-bon footprint of their customers and systemat-ically use their reach to environmentally con-scious customers.
Tourism companies take on and arrange spon-sorships for people and nature in poorer coun-tries to which they take their travel customers. Even a few euros per trip can do a lot of good and quickly pay for themselves economically.
In the gastronomy sector, a lot of plastic waste is produced, especially in take-away opera-tions. With ImpactCampaigns, caterers clean up at least the same amount of plastic they put into circulation. They also help their customers to have a better plastic footprint and in return benefit from contact data and marketing opt-ins.
Trade fair operators provide their exhibitors with a convenient way to make their entire trade fair presence carbon-neutral - including accompanying communication measures that connect exhibitors with their trade fair cus-tomers beyond the days of the event.
A study by Western University shows that face-to-face interaction is 34 times more effective than an email.